Kateřina Vráblíková


I am author of What Kind of Democracy? Participation, Inclusiveness and Contestation (Routledge, 2017) and my work has been published in Comparative Political Studies and European Union Politics.

Work in Progress

Economic Crisis Conditioned: Individual Protest and Socio-economic Hardship. Article manuscript.
Privileged Post-Materialists or Excluded Radicals? Different Pathways of Protest Participation in a Case-Control Study. Article manuscript.
Reinterpreting the Democracy Disillusionment in the CEE Democracies: Evidence from protest event analysis in 1989-2010 (with Ondřej Císař). Article manuscript.
Zero the Hero: Upgrading Targeted Surveys to Case-Control Designs (with Richard Traunmüller). Article manuscript.
At the Parliament or in the Streets? Issue Composition of Contentious Politics in the Visegrad Countries (with Ondřej Císař). Article manuscript.
Explaining the Composition of an Individual’s Political Repertoire: Why Don’t Protestors Vote? (with Lukáš Linek). Article manuscript.
How Did Communist Legacy Matter and Why?. Article manuscript.


What Kind of Democracy? Participation, Inclusiveness and Contestation. New York: Routledge. (2017)

What Kind of Democracy? Participation, Inclusiveness and ContestationThe broad expansion of non-electoral political participation is considered one of the major changes in the nature of democratic citizenship in the 21st century. Most scholars – but also governments, transnational and subnational political institutions, and various foundations – have adopted the notion that contemporary democratic societies need a more politically active citizenry. Yet, contemporary democracies widely differ in the extent to which their citizens get involved in politics beyond voting. Why is political activism other than voting flourishing in the United States, but is less common in Britain and almost non-existent in post-communist countries like Bulgaria? The book shows that the answer does not lie in citizen’s predispositions, social capital or institutions of consensual democracy. Instead, the key to understanding cross-country differences in political activism beyond voting rests in democratic structures that combine inclusiveness and contestation.

Articles in ISI Journals

Conducive Contexts: The Impact of Collective and Individual Social Capital on Democratic Citizenship, Acta Politica, 52(1): 23–42 (with Jan W. van Deth, 2017)
How Context Matters? Mobilization, Political Opportunity Structures and Non-Electoral Political Participation in Old and New Democracies, Comparative Political Studies, 47(2): 203–229 (2014)
Transnational Activism of Social Movement Organizations: The Effect of European Union Funding on Local Groups in the Czech Republic, European Union Politics, 14(1): 140–160 (with Ondřej Císař, 2013)
Old, New, Radical: Political Activism in the Czech Republic from Perspective of Social Movement Theory, Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 47(1): 137–167 (with Ondřej Císař and Jiří Navrátil, 2011). In Czech.
The Europeanization of Social Movements in the Czech Republic: The EU and Local Women’s Groups, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 43(2): 209–219 (with Ondřej Císař, 2010)
Political Participation and its Determinants in the Post-Communist Countries, Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 45(5): 867–897 (2009). In Czech.
Les Organisations de la Société Civile et l’Engagement Civique en République Tchèque après 1989, Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 40(1): 197–221 (with Ondřej Císař, 2009). In French.

Book Chapters

Social Movements in Political Science, in B. Klandermans and C. Roggeband (eds.), Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines (2017). Accepted for publication.
Individual Political Participation and Macro Contextual Determinants, in M. Barrett and B. Zani (eds.), Political and Civic Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, pp. 33–53 (with Ondřej Císař, 2015)
Public Opinion and Movements, in D. Snow, D. Della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam (eds.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, pp. 1022–1025 (2013)
Environmental Policy, in S. Balík, O. Císař, and P. Fiala (eds.), Public Policies in the Czech Republic, 1989–2009, pp. 369–398 (2010). In Czech.

Other Articles

Risk Perception Research: Literature and Data Review, Prague SECONOMICS Discussion Papers, 2011(1) (2012)
Political Participation – Theories and Concepts, Politologický časopis, 15(4): 366–388 (2008). In Czech.
How to Study Social Movements? Women’s Groups Activism in the Czech Republic, Politologický časopis, 14(3): 224–246 (2007). In Czech.
Cinderella on the Way to Brussels: Czech Women's Groups and the European Union, Sociální studia, 3: 107–120 (with Ondřej Císař, 2007). In Czech.
Influence of Electoral Systems on Political Representation of Women in the Post-Communist Countries, Evropská volební studia, 2(2): 146–178 (2007). In Czech.
Czech Anarcha-feminism, Rexter – časopis pro výzkum radikalismu, extremismu a terorismu, 5(2) (2006). In Czech.
Gay and Lesbian Movement in the Czech Republic, Global Politics, 5(1) (2006). In Czech.


Skoro trefa. Rada kritizuje Českou televizi, A2larm (with Peter Tunkis, 2017)
Dívejte se, bude to Prima!, iHNED.cz (with Ondřej Císař, 2016)
Řecká krize je krizí evropské demokracie, iHNED.cz (2015)
Zemanovo vítězství zrcadlí českou kulturní a politickou elitu, iHNED.cz (with Ondřej Císař, 2013)
Záhada českého (ne)aktivismu, A2 (2012)
Neházejte studenty do marxistického pytle. Regulovaný spor není revoluce, iDNES.cz (with Ondřej Císař, 2012)
Co znamená úspěch KSČM ve volbách pro budoucnost, iHNED.cz (with Ondřej Císař, 2012)